Kleppe Musikklag på 4. plass i 4barsrest-kåring

Kleppe Musikklag fikk oppmerksomhet for årets Siddisprogram. Siden 4barsrest la ut kåringen: " 4BR Editor Iwan Fox picks five of his personal favourite contest performances of 2016". Kleppe Musikklag sin opptreden og programm i Siddis brass nevnes som nummer 4 av topp 5 favoritt konkurransefremføringer i 2016, noe som er veldig stas for Musikklaget.
Om vår fremføring skriver 4barsrest:
"4. Kleppe Musikklag - (A Trans-Siberian Railway blog)
Siddis Entertainment Championships
At a time when audiences are starting to get a bit miffed at having to sit through themed sets that are little more than A Level info-documentaries with accompanying music, this was a delightful reminder of what an innovative brass band entertainment programme can be like.
A simple idea under conductor Vidar Nordli brought thrilling to life; with music from Tchaikovsky and Stravinsky to Mongolian throat singing and Glenn Miller - all played with musical wit and choreographed imagination. It even had a Blue Peter 'one we made earlier' steam train making an appearance..."
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